- [+letter] 信上的日期是7月5日 it was dated 5th July
- [+letter,parcel] 是写给某人的 to be addressed to sb
- 他父亲是木材商。 His father is a timber merchant.
- 对普通人也能这么说。我们再来举个例子说明a red letter day。 I'm lucky---my birthday is a real red letter day.
- 建筑商答应加速修理。 The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 在 She wrote a letter 一句中,动词 wrote 是及物动词,letter 一词是直接宾语。 In 'She wrote a letter', the verb 'wrote' is transitive and the word 'letter' is the direct object.
- 布朗先生是个家具商。 Mr. Brown is a dealer in furniture.
- 那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。 That company supplies paper to the printers.
- “他去年近大考的时候忽然写信给我,我一个字没理他,他一封一封的信来。"Last year around the time of the final examinations he suddenly wrote me a letter. I didn't write a single word in reply, but he still kept on writing me letter after letter.
- 营造商把帐单送来了吗? Has the builder presented his bill yet?
- 在许多程序设计语言中,f()方法表面上似乎要在方法的作用域内制作自己的自变量Letter y的一个副本。 In many programming languages,the method f( ) would appear to be making a copy of its argument Letter y inside the scope of the method.
- 贩马商 a horse dealer
- 那个车商价格总是很公道。 That car dealer always gives you a square deal.
- 排版工人一度将大写字母和小写字母活字置于不同的格盘(case)中;大写字模放在格盘上的上半方,故而又称为“upper-case letter”。 Printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters.
- 这位摄影器材商也开一个小修理店。 The cameraman also has a small repair shop.
- 出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。 The publishers praised his novel pretty highly.
- 歇业的杂货商 a retired grocer
- 那个杂货商总是要高价。 That grocer always overcharges.
- [俚]服装商 rag trader